Tuesday, 25 June 2013

What We Do Not See We Do Not Know

In the Quran, the book that is light to all mankind, God has said, “The knowledge of God is only for Him to know.” Therefore with that I believe that of all the things that He had created onto this world, we with only the mind intellect of a human are not meant to understand. However the things that we do know and understand could be explained to us by means of science.

For instance how the rain works by circulating the forms of water. How the earth orbits around the sun and the moon around the earth. These things are of course explainable by science, but if you would ask those men of science as to why, they could never give you an answer that make sense, or at the very least the one that you could understand.

Today’s topic is not to engage on the dispute between science and religion. No but I am merely writing this as for I have pondered upon an awe in yet another creation of God that has led me to believe that God, is the creator of the universe and all that is in it and for nothing He does is ever by chance.

Since the beginning of time, men have always been one of the most prolific hunters. Although we do not possess the speed or natural weapons that of a beast such as cheetahs an tigers, nor the night vision of an owl nor the sonar instinct of a bat that makes them such incredible hunters of the wild, but man has the ability to think. With this ability, man was always able to build and create the things that they need to survive.

The first hunters among us have created spears so that they could throw from a safe distance while the enemy would receive a massive blow. We also learned how to use it because it is one of the abilities of the brain. However this ability to throw would not be of use to us if not for the placement of our eyes. With both eyes placed in the front side of our heads, we are able to judge distance more than any other species on earth. This would allow us to throw our weapon to a precise target, to hit whatever it is that we are aiming for.

This is a fact known to many man in this world, but most of us fail to see is that this vision is not perfect. It is never in our nature to be perfect because we are created by the perfect God. If He would wished it, God could have easily place two more eyeballs at the back of our head for us to see what is behind us, but He does not. What is it than that God gave us to protect ourselves from attack from behind?

To that God gave us friendship. A friend is someone who would watch you back for any dangers that may come your way. As he watches your back, you too must do the same. That is why humans are stronger in a community, for the weakness of men could be mitigate by having each other. We solve our own problem, for no man can do anything alone not even the strongest among us.

There are many of us these days that live by ‘the survival of the fittest’ mentality that states that the strongest among us must trample upon the weak to survive. However if all man lend a helping hand to one another regardless of background, religion, race or nationality we are all fit therefore we will all survive.  No human is ever perfect but together we will be great enough to survive.

Therefore I would like to end this post by stating that all men are created equal and what you deserve, others deserve to have as well, like when Jean-Francois Cope said and I quote, “I invite everyone to choose forgiveness rather than division, togetherness rather than personal glory.”

A Light within the Dark
By: Abolqaz Bin Anuar

I stand in a time,
When the world is full of anarchy,
When men are so quick to judge to claim and to triumph,
That they leave behind their brothers and sisters in agony.

I stand in a place,
Where the light shines but we see only darkness,
Where the fallen are stepped on
Where evil reign supreme.

I see in us of the modern day,
A hunger for riches of gold,
A hunger for things untold,
A hunger that rips our souls

Through all this horror
I still see a light,
Shining bright in our heart,
The goodness that men possess,
But he has all forgot,
For whence he should remember again,
We all would be able to stand.

I would like to send a special shout out to Karen Belarek and Elise Khan, friends whom when I met them sometime before this told me that they have read my blog and that they liked it. I went “like whaaaaat?” I would also like to thank all those who actually read all these rubbish that I have posted. It is the legacy of me.