Friendly Words From A Muslim to A Christian
I got into a conversation with a Christian on youtube, named "vonveezil2" I am shameful for I did not know the real name. It is very rude of me. But he or she posted me this question:
So with that this is my answer:
First of all, I would like to say that I am glad that you
have read the Quran and the Hadiths. As I said, I have come up against many
other Christians before you and none has made such claims until you.
I will answer your question according to the order that you
asked. There were two main questions but there was a mini question that was
actually meant to be rhetorical, but I would take it as a question for have a
form of an answer.
You said that you had read our books, since we Muslims have
only two the Quran and the Hadith, I assumed you meant that. However if you did
not meant any of those book than you are actually very far off from what Islam
actually is. On this matter I say, that well done, but you read it with the
expression of hate towards us. Anything you read can be nothing but hate. Check
the proper translation for if you do, there are 604 pages, 114 chapters and
6,666 sentences in the Quran but not a single word in the Quran that means sword,
so how could you say we are brought by the sword. Oppose to 426 times that the
word sword came out from the bible.
In Islam, in the Quran spreading of religion by compulsion
is haram. We cannot use force to get someone to convert; any type of force is
haram. This very question was asked of to Syeikh Ahmed Deedat, a Muslim
teacher, probably the best from South Africa. He was given this very same
accusation about Islam by one Anis Shorrosh a minister if Christian from Egypt.
The same guy who boast that there are 10 million Christian in Egypt. However
Allah SWT gave Ahmed Deedat a wonderful and powerful brain when he answered
Anis Shorrosh saying that, “you are the proof, if Islam is spread by force how
come there is 10 million Islam allowed being in Egypt? Islam ruled India for
1,000 years yet when we the hindus took over Muslim was a small minority. Islam
took Spain for 800 years but when Isabel came back they saw the Churches and
the religion was intact. So I ask you what sword? When was it that we kill get
people in Islam? None because to do that is HARAM, meaning forbidden by my
prophet Muhammad SAW.
Today, this very day the highest numbers of converts to
Islam are from the US and the UK. I ask you now, what sword are we using
towards the Americans and the Brits? If there is such sword, if such sword
exists it shall be called ‘intellect’, because in the Quran Allah SWT said, “Invite
all, all into the ways of Allah SWT THROUGH WISDOM.”
Now, moving on you asked me had I read your bible. To this I
answer a little, but not very mush as to remember anything. I study the Quran
first, before I feel the need to even read the bible, I choose to study the
Quran first, and in the Quran it said that a Muslim is not a Muslim if he or
she does not respect the religion of the time before (Jew and Christian), nor
if he or she does not believe the prophet that came before (Abraham, Moses and
Jesus AS included, there are 24 before Muhammad SAW) or does not believe that
the book of (Moses (Torah), David (Zabur) and Jesus(Injeel)) to be from Allah
SWT. Therefore we believe in the teachings of Jesus just like the Christians
do, sometime more than you do. For example in book of John and Luke there are
passages that says that eating pork and drinking alcohol is bad. So many of you
Christians eat pork and drink alcohol, so many of us do not. The conclusion is
that in the Quran the bible is also the word of Allah SWT, but the bible that
you read today was not the same bible given to Jesus AS.
The bible that many Christians read from in today’s world is
a translated version from the English version to the language of their choice.
However the English was a translation of the latin version which is also a
translation of the Konae Greek. However the language of Jesus AS is a form of Hebrew
called Aramaic. Therefore the bible of Konae Greek was in fact another
translation. That is four layers of translation. Humans could not even
translate a magazine accurately let alone the word of God thru four different
translation. There is so many Christian people especially Catholics have converted
to Islam because they say, that when they studied the Hebrew bible, it leads
them to Islam. That is their words I am not making this up. People like Yusuf
Eastes and Joshua Evens all said this. Now we Muslims read the Quran in the
original arab. It is a wajib, meaning compulsory to do so. We can read the
translation, but to recite the Quran is in Arabic. Not just that we have to stick
to the ‘tajwid’. It is like musical chords that give us tones when we read the
Quran. At first I thought what the point to this is, but as I actually study
the Quran, I find that the ‘tajwid’ plays a major role in preserving the
message in the Quran.
Because all Muslims are mandated to read the Quran with the
proper tajwid, therefore we all each and every one of us have to pronouns it
same way. A Malaysian Muslim and an American Muslim will have to read the
passage the same way. Therefore if someone makes a mistake another will know. No
one can publically make a mistake; and as for the translations to many
languages, the Arabic checks out. All translations are accompanied by the Arabic
text next to it, to confirm the authentication, and everyone checks each other
out. Can you read the bible in Hebrew? Can the Christian form a unilateral
language for Christians?
Now, on to the first Question that was actually asked: Is
the Quran the perfect word of God? Yes. You see Our prophet was illiterate, he
could not read nor can he write, However from the revelation given to Him by
Allah SWT, in the Quran is said to be all things that has been, the workings of
all on the earth and beyond, and things that is to come. In the Quran, Allah
SWT spoke of true historical facts of things that have been, about the science
of nature and all that was. There is a passage about the movement of the earth
around the sun 1,400 years ago. Longer than galileo. He also spoke of things
that will happen in the future. There is economics, family and the purpose of
life. For all the mysteries of the world are all here in the Al-Quran Nur
As I told you about the Tajwid, I believe that the Quran is
the most flawless book, that from when it was introduced until now, not a
single dot has changed. There is no King Faisal version of the Quran. There is
no new and Old Testament that was changed by any man, no revise version,
annually revision, from the day it was introduced till this very day, every dot
has been the same. I mean seriously how can a man revise the words of God?
Thus it is I have answered all of your questions both
directly and indirectly. You told me that you have read the Quran and Hadith as
I have assumed. However Allah SWT gives the light to who he pleases. If He chooses
to darken your heart, even if I give you a million proofs you would not believe
it. That is just the way it is, but I will pray that He would give you His
(hidayah) guidance, for only He can grant and take away hidayah. Islam is
unlike your Christian. I mean seriously how can confessing to a man, purify
your sins. I mean even the King of Jerusalem said to his bishop, “I will
confess my sins but to God not to you.”
Now here is an extra fact that I put in for you. When Islam
first spread, the disciples of my prophet Muhammad SAW (also called the
sahabat, meaning friends how nice that the prophet called them friends), spread
the words and teaching of Islam until as far as they could manage. Soon it grew
to a sizable area in the Arab peninsular. The Eastern Romans and the Persian
would not have another power or nation that would not bow to them. So they
launched an attack on Islam. The Muslims retaliated to defend, “for if they
strike you, you are obligated to defend, but if they have stop so must you.” That
is the word of Allah SWT. As a result of the fighting, both Eastern Roman
Empire and the Persian Empire fell to Muslim rule. As to in Spain the Muslim
fought for the Catholic Spain was threatening them.
Now another scenario about 500 years earlier, the word of
Jesus AS was spread and thought throughout the entire Roman Empire. From one
end of the Mediterranean to the other, Romans are converting into Christians in
mass numbers. The ruling pagan would not have these Christians who they call a
rat in their empire; they launched an attack on the Christians. To survive and
to keep the word of Jesus alive, they fought back and eventually won control of
the Roman Empire.
With that said, are we so different the Christians and the
Muslims? Even in the Quran it is said, behold that the Christians will be the
closest to you oh Muslims. This is my answer to your question.
The Truth if you like it or not
When God created man from clay and called him Adam. God then
calls upon his angels and told them to bow to Adam. All did except for one, he
is called the ‘Syaitan’, or satan to all. Satan said, “why should I bow to man
for he is made of clay, whilst I and the devil made from fire. God was angry
and he sent satan to hell, satan said I will take Adam, his children as well.
That is satan’s promise to God, to guide the children of Adam to the path of
the dark.
Many years later, Satan’s plans were on the way; but God
sent religion for to evil He said nay. First came the Jews, the ‘Bani Israel’.
But satan got them and turned them with greed. Then came Jesus a miracle at
birth to set the humans right. But when there was plot of murder and deceit,
God raised Jesus up to heaven and stops those who cheat. But evil Constantine
of Rome does not want to leave home, so he used his power to gain Christian
control. The council of Nicaea, he put in his plot, to remake the bible and
changed the religion a lot. Thus that was the tale of the defeat of two
But wait God pre-tale of the ‘praised-one’ who will come,
and bring to the world the mercy of God, shall we call Him Allah SWT and his
prophet Muhammad. Islam is the last defender of what is true and false; the
mercy of Allah SWT for all mankind against the tyranny of evil.
Ask the sun and ask the moon, for they are the witness of
I end now with my last words. Remember what the Muslims is
suffering now, is the oppression that once was done onto Christians. For all
those who carry the word of truth is the one who has their face in the dirt of
the floor. This is the truth that I am willing to die for. I pray to Allah SWT
to give you the light. However when you read this and still remain a
non-believer; it was Allah SWT who decides to make you believe of not.
All that is right and true in me comes from Allah SWT the
God of all the universe and those that are wrong comes from me, and myself
only. Amin.