Sunday 29 December 2013

The Road Up Ahead
by: Abolqaz Bin Anuar

I had just spent 2 hours of my time, watching the Malaysian parliament debating on 'youtube', rather than handling the important issues that needed to be resolve in this country of ours, instead most of the videos only showed how the politicians of both sides are using that time to come up with banters against eah other. With the things as such going on in the parliament, no wonder our country is in chaos.

I am now currently drinking coffee in a starbucks in Taman Tun, seated on the balcony as I drink it, I can see just a part of the Malaysian people down below bustling in the Sunday market. We are an extrodinary country Malaysia. The Malaysian people are a people of high tolarence. We are now withstanding the hurricane of economical difficulties that we know is coming in the coming year which will arrive in a couple of days. We have tolareted the increased crime wave that we have seen happened through out the year and we remained exceptionally content to keep calm as the policies of being Malaysian gets harder everyday. I would especially like to tip my hat to the non-Malays who have been as I see it enduring the stint of unfairness that they Malay leaders have imposed on them in a certain degree. That however comes with no surprise to me, because eventhough they are of a different race but they are Malaysians to the core and as I said all Malaysians have high level of tolarence to unjustice that we have been facing these past few months.

However I do believe that this calm is mainly attributed to the lack of understanding of what is going on and what is yet to come. Many Malaysian remained bliss to the fact that the recent crime increase, the low value of salary and wages, the increase in fuel, and basic condiments of food as well as the upcoming GST, and tol price hikes would have already been enough to encourage a revolution, a coup, an uprising and a revolution in other parts of the world yet here in Malaysia we carry on living. Remember the riots in London about a year ago, that was because the British government is giving them less, not because the government are taking from them more, but they rampaged anyway. That is more than a great example that I could think of as I describe the level of difference between Malaysian culture of how we accept being 'screwed' better than any other country in the world because not only is our leaders not giving us anything, but we are making us giving them more. Why shouldn't we compare ourselves with a more civilized nation, we are humans as same as they are.

The point that I am trying to make is that I sit here today fearing of what the reaction would be as we have endured so many obsticle put in front of us for so long that I fear we might fight more viciously when we are finally cornered, when we finally have nothing else to do, what would indeed become of this peaceful nation then? I do see a line of hope, a glimmer of light that might shine bright to help guide through the darkness that lies up ahead and this hope lies within each other. The Malaysian people of all age, gender, race, religion and classes would have to come together and defy the hardship that we are to face. Big problems are coming and we would come together and stop trying to swindle, rob, trick and bamboozle one another for profit than the problems would not seem so big anymore. Come together and face this challenge together, and we might just find out our true capability together as Malaysians. I am not saying we must not fight the oppressors, we must always find a way to not be slaves, but it would be much more effective if we do it together. I believe that recent efforts by some people to separate the Malaysian people by means of racial and religious difference is merely a ruse as they who are in power does not like a unified nation with one goal, because they could not stop us if we are united, it is easier to pick a part a divided people. They always focus on our difference yet, we as people of different race and religion are so much a like and that is an absolute fact.

I would just hope that the Malaysian people would understand this before it is too late, and I also believe that kindness towards each other could go a long way in the happiness of our people. I sincerely hope that 2014 would be gentle on all of us, and I would like to wish good luck to anyone who reads this. I would also like to say to the people that face the hardship to come, you are not alone, we are all in this. Pray for a better future and hope for the best to come.

There would also be a lot of people who would think that I am naive, but to them I say that, I believe in the Malaysian people with all my heary and sometimes when yoy believe in someone with whole sincere, thy would come through. For God sake please stop hating each other, we are all people. Let go of the angers we bear towards each other, and live kindly for the prosparity of each other. Once I remembered in a land far away, a civil war took place between the North and South of the US nation, and when all was done and the dust was settled they looked at each other with much regret, as theu lay down kneeling beside the dead soldires of both sides they cried, they weeped and they said, "I killed my brother with malice in my heart, hatred destroyed my people." I pray the hardest to Allah SWT that those word will not be spoken here in my homeland Malaysia.

Sunday 24 November 2013

No Islamic Nation Available
by Abolqaz Bin Anuar

Here is a question for you, how many Islamic nations are there in the world today? The answer is zero. There is currently no Islamic nation in the world today. The next question is what was the last Islamic country that existed? The answer is the Ottoman Islamic State that was dissolved in the year 1922 at the very end of the First World War. By this definition I, a Muslim and a Malaysian citizen would like to acknowledge that there is currently none of the Muslim nation that claimed to an Islamic nation could be truly considered as a Muslim nation. This would also mean that I do not believe nor feel in any slightest that Malaysia is an Islamic country.

The Great Betrayal

As I mentioned earlier, the Ottoman Islamic State was the last Islamic nation. During its peak, the nation or empire stretched from Eastern Europe all the way to the very edge of the Western Chinese Border (it was ruled by Mongolian Muslim at one point). However before the beginning of the First World War, its borders where from Turkey all the way to the Middle East which included Jerusalem, Cairo, Mecca and Medina. Also during this period, it would worth a mention that the Sultanate of this empire, had divert slightly from the teachings of Islam. Corruption proved to be once again the cause for an empire’s decline.  Because of its geographical location and trade partnership with the European countries, the Ottoman Islamic State was forced to include themselves in the First World War (A major conspiracy would forever be tagged with this event but that is not on discussion today). They did so in the side of the Germans. Even before this war, the empire was already at war with Russia (the main factor of its alliance with Germany) and because of that they had lost some of its territory to Russia. However the real clincher came in 1908, when a group called ‘Young Turk’ revolted and forced the government to be more liberal and democratic. This is a main factor of the downfall of the empire.

When the First World War actually kicked-off, Britain seemed to be bent on defeating the Ottomans first seeing that they hold the largest supply of petroleum, which was essential since the introduction of tanks and motorized vehicle in warfare. That is also one of the many lies that the history books are telling us. The main objective of the whole war was to actually destroy and divide the last Islamic nation (since the Melacca Sultanate was under the control of Britain, Philippines yes it was once a great Islamic land belonged to Spain and the Indonesian Island was with the Dutch). At that time the Ottoman Islamic State was still using the Caliphate ruling structure, but because of the corruption of their system, the revolt of the ‘Young Turks’ had lessen the power of the Caliph. The main requirement of the Caliph, is the control of the administration of Mecca and Medina (that is why, King Salahuddin the great is only a King). The men that were given charge by the Caliph of the holy cities were Hussein of Mecca and Abdullah Saud of Medina who are the cause of the great betrayal.

To take out the Caliph, the Brits first need to liberate Mecca and Medina from the power of the Caliph. To this they bribed both Hussein and Abdullah with the promise to make the “the kings of the Arabs.” They are also to be given wealth as a reward for their heroics in the war. With money and power as bribe, the both of them successfully betrayed the Caliph and liberated the holy cities from the central power of the Ottomans. With that and their defeat in the war, revolt began springing up all around the empire and the Caliph was powerless to stop it. They empire would also lose territory in Palestine to the British. The only lands that they have left are today’s Turkey and Syria as the rest was lost in the uprising of the revolution. As unrest was burning throughout the old empire, peace did not come until 1922. In 1923, Mustapha Kamal Ataturk lead the revolutionary plan to turn Turkey into a Republic a secular structure of government and so did he killed the last remaining country that the Islam had possessed.  Hussein of Medina was given a land by the British as promised and so did he declare it to be the Kingdom of Jordan and made himself the king of Jordan. As for Abdullah Saud, he vainly took his name in the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and he became the first king. Both bloodlines still ruled their respective kingdoms till now. It is a shame that so many Muslim has forgotten this part of history. It was not the infidel enemy that stabbed us, but one who is also a believer. It came from within the brotherhood; they are part of the Ummah.

Malaysia is not an Islamic country; it is a country with the majority of people being Muslims. When Allah SWT gave Nabi Daud AS the right to be the king of Jerusalem, He did so by giving Nabi Daud AS a structure of the Caliphate, a governmental structure by Allah SWT. Thus I see none of its structure is being put to practice in the Malaysian government
  • 1.       The land and country belong to Allah SWT as the ‘Supreme’ owner. In Malaysia if we check our passports and constitution, the word ‘supreme’ is being used to refer to the yang di-pertuan agong. This is a huge mistake, and I dare say ‘Syirik’ (Number one sin in Islam, as to compare Allah SWT with anything else).

  •       The leaders of Malaysia are chosen by the means of election rather than the ‘Bai’ah’. Some might argue that it is the same; however it is very different altogether. The Bai’ah calls for the leader to be elected which means a council would name the best or suitable person for the job based on his capabilities and abilities to run the nation. He is elected but he does not asked to be. An election involves people who are not necessarily right for the job going on campaign to ask the people to vote for them. It is a sin for a leader to lead, when there is someone else better who could do it.

  • 3.       The borders of the country would be open for all Muslims. To be a citizen for a Muslim from anywhere in the world, one would only need to recite the ‘Syahadah’ and he or she would be a citizen. It would be unfair for people of other religions, but they should also be allowed to enter as a guest. A Muslim could enter the land without any documentation needed other than the recitation of the ‘syahadah’.

  • 4.       None Muslims born in the country would always is considered a citizen with full rights given. Even in the first Islamic state (Medina), the Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW gave the non-Muslim equal rights as to the Muslims. He allowed them to practise their religion and lifestyle as long as they do not disturb or destruct the Muslim teachings. As for alcohol, is restricted to a certain area, or within the compounds of their home. No rights what so ever was constrained from the non-Muslims except the right to go to war in the cause of Islam. If the Rasulullah SAW himself did not restrain any rights from the non-Muslim in Medina then, who are we to do it to them today? Are our leaders better than him? Certainly not.

  • 5.       The financial institutions are not allowed to practise ‘Riba’ or interest. This is because interest would revert mankind back to the times of slavery, but a different kind of slavery. Yet all the banks in Malaysia make you pay interest for loans that you take. Making us all work to pay our debt to our masters the banks. There is no freedom in this. Riba is the third in the list of sins in Islam (after syirik and munafik), yet I do not have the freedom to not practise it to be a better Muslim for our way of life made it impossible to buy anything without paying it.  

  • 6.       As you could read in the newspapers, heard it on the radios and seen in the news, Islamic people around the world are being oppressed and attacked by western powers. Yet the so-called Muslim nation of Malaysia did nothing to help them. The government and the leaders do not feel enough to help other Ummahs as if we tried they would find a way to stop us. Yet time and time again all I could see the Muslims here do is pray and weep for their suffering for we have no power and no help from our “Muslim” government.

Those are the few things that I could illustrate on why Malaysia is not an Islamic country. If you look around for these criteria for an Islamic country today, you would not find a single country that fits this description.  When the Muslims from Mecca went to the Christian king of Abyssinia, they did not bow as the king entered the room. When the king asked them, “Do you not bow before your prophet Muhammad SAW?” They answered, “He is only a man, and we kneel only to Allah SWT.” That was the passion a true Muslim, yet here in Malaysia, the country protocol requires us to bow to the agong. With such fundamental diversion from Islam, how can we call this land an Islamic country?

I end this post with this, during my travels to many different lands the people I meet would ask me where I am from, and I will tell them that I am from Malaysia, when they ask me am I a Muslim, I would answer yes I am a Muslim, but please don’t think that Malaysia is an Islamic country, it is just a country with many Muslims but not an Islamic country.


Friday 19 July 2013

Friendly Words From A Muslim to A Christian

I got into a conversation with a Christian on youtube, named "vonveezil2" I am shameful for I did not know the real name. It is very rude of me. But he or she posted me this question:
I have read your books. Have you read mine? Let's consider this. Your people have attacked everyone around them for 1400 years. Islam has never been preached but brought by the edge of a sword. Convert or die isn't the greatest of options for someone who's about to have their head chopped off. Let me ask you , is the Koran the perfect word of God? Is the Koran error free and flawless? Only with your answers to those 2 questions can this conversation continue.

So with that this is my answer:

First of all, I would like to say that I am glad that you have read the Quran and the Hadiths. As I said, I have come up against many other Christians before you and none has made such claims until you.
I will answer your question according to the order that you asked. There were two main questions but there was a mini question that was actually meant to be rhetorical, but I would take it as a question for have a form of an answer.

You said that you had read our books, since we Muslims have only two the Quran and the Hadith, I assumed you meant that. However if you did not meant any of those book than you are actually very far off from what Islam actually is. On this matter I say, that well done, but you read it with the expression of hate towards us. Anything you read can be nothing but hate. Check the proper translation for if you do, there are 604 pages, 114 chapters and 6,666 sentences in the Quran but not a single word in the Quran that means sword, so how could you say we are brought by the sword. Oppose to 426 times that the word sword came out from the bible.

In Islam, in the Quran spreading of religion by compulsion is haram. We cannot use force to get someone to convert; any type of force is haram. This very question was asked of to Syeikh Ahmed Deedat, a Muslim teacher, probably the best from South Africa. He was given this very same accusation about Islam by one Anis Shorrosh a minister if Christian from Egypt. The same guy who boast that there are 10 million Christian in Egypt. However Allah SWT gave Ahmed Deedat a wonderful and powerful brain when he answered Anis Shorrosh saying that, “you are the proof, if Islam is spread by force how come there is 10 million Islam allowed being in Egypt? Islam ruled India for 1,000 years yet when we the hindus took over Muslim was a small minority. Islam took Spain for 800 years but when Isabel came back they saw the Churches and the religion was intact. So I ask you what sword? When was it that we kill get people in Islam? None because to do that is HARAM, meaning forbidden by my prophet Muhammad SAW.

Today, this very day the highest numbers of converts to Islam are from the US and the UK. I ask you now, what sword are we using towards the Americans and the Brits? If there is such sword, if such sword exists it shall be called ‘intellect’, because in the Quran Allah SWT said, “Invite all, all into the ways of Allah SWT THROUGH WISDOM.”

Now, moving on you asked me had I read your bible. To this I answer a little, but not very mush as to remember anything. I study the Quran first, before I feel the need to even read the bible, I choose to study the Quran first, and in the Quran it said that a Muslim is not a Muslim if he or she does not respect the religion of the time before (Jew and Christian), nor if he or she does not believe the prophet that came before (Abraham, Moses and Jesus AS included, there are 24 before Muhammad SAW) or does not believe that the book of (Moses (Torah), David (Zabur) and Jesus(Injeel)) to be from Allah SWT. Therefore we believe in the teachings of Jesus just like the Christians do, sometime more than you do. For example in book of John and Luke there are passages that says that eating pork and drinking alcohol is bad. So many of you Christians eat pork and drink alcohol, so many of us do not. The conclusion is that in the Quran the bible is also the word of Allah SWT, but the bible that you read today was not the same bible given to Jesus AS.
The bible that many Christians read from in today’s world is a translated version from the English version to the language of their choice. However the English was a translation of the latin version which is also a translation of the Konae Greek. However the language of Jesus AS is a form of Hebrew called Aramaic. Therefore the bible of Konae Greek was in fact another translation. That is four layers of translation. Humans could not even translate a magazine accurately let alone the word of God thru four different translation. There is so many Christian people especially Catholics have converted to Islam because they say, that when they studied the Hebrew bible, it leads them to Islam. That is their words I am not making this up. People like Yusuf Eastes and Joshua Evens all said this. Now we Muslims read the Quran in the original arab. It is a wajib, meaning compulsory to do so. We can read the translation, but to recite the Quran is in Arabic. Not just that we have to stick to the ‘tajwid’. It is like musical chords that give us tones when we read the Quran. At first I thought what the point to this is, but as I actually study the Quran, I find that the ‘tajwid’ plays a major role in preserving the message in the Quran.

Because all Muslims are mandated to read the Quran with the proper tajwid, therefore we all each and every one of us have to pronouns it same way. A Malaysian Muslim and an American Muslim will have to read the passage the same way. Therefore if someone makes a mistake another will know. No one can publically make a mistake; and as for the translations to many languages, the Arabic checks out. All translations are accompanied by the Arabic text next to it, to confirm the authentication, and everyone checks each other out. Can you read the bible in Hebrew? Can the Christian form a unilateral language for Christians?

Now, on to the first Question that was actually asked: Is the Quran the perfect word of God? Yes. You see Our prophet was illiterate, he could not read nor can he write, However from the revelation given to Him by Allah SWT, in the Quran is said to be all things that has been, the workings of all on the earth and beyond, and things that is to come. In the Quran, Allah SWT spoke of true historical facts of things that have been, about the science of nature and all that was. There is a passage about the movement of the earth around the sun 1,400 years ago. Longer than galileo. He also spoke of things that will happen in the future. There is economics, family and the purpose of life. For all the mysteries of the world are all here in the Al-Quran Nur Karim.

As I told you about the Tajwid, I believe that the Quran is the most flawless book, that from when it was introduced until now, not a single dot has changed. There is no King Faisal version of the Quran. There is no new and Old Testament that was changed by any man, no revise version, annually revision, from the day it was introduced till this very day, every dot has been the same. I mean seriously how can a man revise the words of God?

Thus it is I have answered all of your questions both directly and indirectly. You told me that you have read the Quran and Hadith as I have assumed. However Allah SWT gives the light to who he pleases. If He chooses to darken your heart, even if I give you a million proofs you would not believe it. That is just the way it is, but I will pray that He would give you His (hidayah) guidance, for only He can grant and take away hidayah. Islam is unlike your Christian. I mean seriously how can confessing to a man, purify your sins. I mean even the King of Jerusalem said to his bishop, “I will confess my sins but to God not to you.”
Now here is an extra fact that I put in for you. When Islam first spread, the disciples of my prophet Muhammad SAW (also called the sahabat, meaning friends how nice that the prophet called them friends), spread the words and teaching of Islam until as far as they could manage. Soon it grew to a sizable area in the Arab peninsular. The Eastern Romans and the Persian would not have another power or nation that would not bow to them. So they launched an attack on Islam. The Muslims retaliated to defend, “for if they strike you, you are obligated to defend, but if they have stop so must you.” That is the word of Allah SWT. As a result of the fighting, both Eastern Roman Empire and the Persian Empire fell to Muslim rule. As to in Spain the Muslim fought for the Catholic Spain was threatening them.

Now another scenario about 500 years earlier, the word of Jesus AS was spread and thought throughout the entire Roman Empire. From one end of the Mediterranean to the other, Romans are converting into Christians in mass numbers. The ruling pagan would not have these Christians who they call a rat in their empire; they launched an attack on the Christians. To survive and to keep the word of Jesus alive, they fought back and eventually won control of the Roman Empire.

With that said, are we so different the Christians and the Muslims? Even in the Quran it is said, behold that the Christians will be the closest to you oh Muslims. This is my answer to your question.

The Truth if you like it or not

When God created man from clay and called him Adam. God then calls upon his angels and told them to bow to Adam. All did except for one, he is called the ‘Syaitan’, or satan to all. Satan said, “why should I bow to man for he is made of clay, whilst I and the devil made from fire. God was angry and he sent satan to hell, satan said I will take Adam, his children as well. That is satan’s promise to God, to guide the children of Adam to the path of the dark.

Many years later, Satan’s plans were on the way; but God sent religion for to evil He said nay. First came the Jews, the ‘Bani Israel’. But satan got them and turned them with greed. Then came Jesus a miracle at birth to set the humans right. But when there was plot of murder and deceit, God raised Jesus up to heaven and stops those who cheat. But evil Constantine of Rome does not want to leave home, so he used his power to gain Christian control. The council of Nicaea, he put in his plot, to remake the bible and changed the religion a lot. Thus that was the tale of the defeat of two religions.

But wait God pre-tale of the ‘praised-one’ who will come, and bring to the world the mercy of God, shall we call Him Allah SWT and his prophet Muhammad. Islam is the last defender of what is true and false; the mercy of Allah SWT for all mankind against the tyranny of evil.

Ask the sun and ask the moon, for they are the witness of history.

I end now with my last words. Remember what the Muslims is suffering now, is the oppression that once was done onto Christians. For all those who carry the word of truth is the one who has their face in the dirt of the floor. This is the truth that I am willing to die for. I pray to Allah SWT to give you the light. However when you read this and still remain a non-believer; it was Allah SWT who decides to make you believe of not.

All that is right and true in me comes from Allah SWT the God of all the universe and those that are wrong comes from me, and myself only. Amin.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

What We Do Not See We Do Not Know

In the Quran, the book that is light to all mankind, God has said, “The knowledge of God is only for Him to know.” Therefore with that I believe that of all the things that He had created onto this world, we with only the mind intellect of a human are not meant to understand. However the things that we do know and understand could be explained to us by means of science.

For instance how the rain works by circulating the forms of water. How the earth orbits around the sun and the moon around the earth. These things are of course explainable by science, but if you would ask those men of science as to why, they could never give you an answer that make sense, or at the very least the one that you could understand.

Today’s topic is not to engage on the dispute between science and religion. No but I am merely writing this as for I have pondered upon an awe in yet another creation of God that has led me to believe that God, is the creator of the universe and all that is in it and for nothing He does is ever by chance.

Since the beginning of time, men have always been one of the most prolific hunters. Although we do not possess the speed or natural weapons that of a beast such as cheetahs an tigers, nor the night vision of an owl nor the sonar instinct of a bat that makes them such incredible hunters of the wild, but man has the ability to think. With this ability, man was always able to build and create the things that they need to survive.

The first hunters among us have created spears so that they could throw from a safe distance while the enemy would receive a massive blow. We also learned how to use it because it is one of the abilities of the brain. However this ability to throw would not be of use to us if not for the placement of our eyes. With both eyes placed in the front side of our heads, we are able to judge distance more than any other species on earth. This would allow us to throw our weapon to a precise target, to hit whatever it is that we are aiming for.

This is a fact known to many man in this world, but most of us fail to see is that this vision is not perfect. It is never in our nature to be perfect because we are created by the perfect God. If He would wished it, God could have easily place two more eyeballs at the back of our head for us to see what is behind us, but He does not. What is it than that God gave us to protect ourselves from attack from behind?

To that God gave us friendship. A friend is someone who would watch you back for any dangers that may come your way. As he watches your back, you too must do the same. That is why humans are stronger in a community, for the weakness of men could be mitigate by having each other. We solve our own problem, for no man can do anything alone not even the strongest among us.

There are many of us these days that live by ‘the survival of the fittest’ mentality that states that the strongest among us must trample upon the weak to survive. However if all man lend a helping hand to one another regardless of background, religion, race or nationality we are all fit therefore we will all survive.  No human is ever perfect but together we will be great enough to survive.

Therefore I would like to end this post by stating that all men are created equal and what you deserve, others deserve to have as well, like when Jean-Francois Cope said and I quote, “I invite everyone to choose forgiveness rather than division, togetherness rather than personal glory.”

A Light within the Dark
By: Abolqaz Bin Anuar

I stand in a time,
When the world is full of anarchy,
When men are so quick to judge to claim and to triumph,
That they leave behind their brothers and sisters in agony.

I stand in a place,
Where the light shines but we see only darkness,
Where the fallen are stepped on
Where evil reign supreme.

I see in us of the modern day,
A hunger for riches of gold,
A hunger for things untold,
A hunger that rips our souls

Through all this horror
I still see a light,
Shining bright in our heart,
The goodness that men possess,
But he has all forgot,
For whence he should remember again,
We all would be able to stand.

I would like to send a special shout out to Karen Belarek and Elise Khan, friends whom when I met them sometime before this told me that they have read my blog and that they liked it. I went “like whaaaaat?” I would also like to thank all those who actually read all these rubbish that I have posted. It is the legacy of me.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Line Between Love & Hate

The lives of 9 billion human beings are governed everyday by forces, which are unseen to normal eyes. Forces such as gravity, momentum and speed govern the physical movement of all matter every single second. Whereas the force of human spirit guides the human soul to undertake challenges and obstacles that everyday life may present them. All force and spirits work according to their containment of their own laws but never contradicting one another in this thing I call life.

Among the forces that are constantly around us, none are more powerful than the force of love and hate. These are the dominant force among us and, when tempered with, may cause dangerous consequences to all mankind. Both love and hate, could inspire a person to do things way beyond what they are capable of. Both love and hate has the ability to inflict pain and suffering; and both love and hate is the main reason behind everything that we do.

There are four categories of this love-hate relationship. There is a positive love, negative love, positive hate, and a negative hate. A positive love is a love that is good and by doing it brings good things on to those who love it. A negative love however loves something bad, and by doing so brings suffering and pain to those who do love it. A positive hate is hating the bad things and by doing so keeps the person from being bad. Finally negative hate is hating that would invoke someone doing bad things to good and innocence.
In the world of today, many of us could not differentiate between love and hate. We often misunderstand these boundaries that stand in between them. This is understandable, as the line between love and hate is very thin and many always crossed it without knowing where they really stand. It is made even more difficult as many now takes the advantage of blurring this line so people could love and hate the wrong things.
Just imagine that war erupts because of a hatred of some towards others, but most fight to defend the things that they love.

The things gets worst of excessive love or hate is felt within. Too much of something is always bad. The only way then, for the situation to be dissolved is by letting go, letting go of all our hate and even our love. No one knows which between these two are the more powerful, but the only sure thing is, that those who toys with it are inviting trouble.  

Friday 10 May 2013

Revolution of the Minds Not of the Body
By: Abolqaz Bin Anuar

It has only been almost a week since the 13th general election of Malaysia was held last Sunday. Yet in these six days, Malaysian has now experience strange and alien events that locked our attention as a nation to this phenomenon. The election race that was the hardest to call in our history has bought about short term effects. This election was in best described as an epic battle, which at one point was too close to call. At the end of it, the ruling party of ‘Barisan Nasional’ had won the body of Malaysia with 133 seats to ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ 89 seats retain the right on paper to govern Malaysia for another 5 years. However the number of votes collectively went to ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ as 52% of the people voted for them but only 49% of the voters cast their ballots in ‘Barisan Nasional’s way, meaning that the hearts and mind of the people belonged to the ‘Pakatan Rakyat’.
These numbers that was publically shown was nothing more than statistics, information that tells us, the people of Malaysia that our country is now divided. With the modern day social media within our grapes Malaysian (mostly of the younger generation) has turn on each other in a war of words, and battle of wits, criticizing one another for their choices on the polling day. Sure you could not blame the social media for this for they are merely tools just like a gun and a hammer, for the flaw of every tool is its user.
The politicians did not do anything to deter this fast growing hate between the two sides of the fence; they even made it worst by throwing allegations towards each other instigating the crowd even more. Though I do believe that there were foul play involved during the 24 hours of the 5th of May, but I cannot at this point prove any of it so this subject will be put aside at this moment. The headlines of the newspapers cause serious damage in the fragile stability of this nation and in the peace that Malaysia has enjoyed for so very long. Many do believe that the worst is yet to come, but the public being Malaysian are doing their very best to not let things get out of hand. This you could see from the activities that are currently circulating in ‘facebook’ and ‘twitter’. However many knows that they may now never look at a person in the same manner again as their political views has seemed to corrupt whatever friendship they had before.
As I sit here surrounded by the dark of the night, my mind began to recall the things that have been going on in this recent week. The event of the “Utusan headline” and the “805 Black Parade” has been laid down in my mind in a form of pattern, as I try to predict the events that might come. As a mere observer, I could not help but see nothing, but as a gifted student of history (as I would like to see myself) I could not help but notice that these patterns and events have appeared so many times before. Maybe not in Malaysia that I know of for sure (because the events of 13th May 1969 is a topic many Malaysian would very much avoid), but it had happened throughout history so many times before. That is when I actually see what is really happening to my country.
Malaysia has been ruled by the same governmental party for the last 56 years. In that time, the government has imposed its way of thinking into the hearts and mind of Malaysian. For 56 years a single way of thinking, of right and wrong has been smeared into the minds of the people and it has stuck in many that the ‘Barisan Nasional’ way is the right way and the only way. However the thing about the phrase “too long” is that it becomes complacent. The BN leaders have corrupted their purpose and nature from what they once were, from what they had set out to do. It is not their fault it is the nature of the human being. If you are at a high place or in power for so long you tend to forget.
As a result of this lacklustre of the BN, some minds of the people has broken away from what is now tradition and old thinking of the government and has awaken from their sleep to a reality of what Malaysia really is. These few have spread the word of this terrible reality and day by day more and more people are joining this neo Malaysian thinking. Many of this new movement do not really understand what it really is, but they to have their versions and stories to what led them to the choice of neo Malaysian thinking, but one thing for certain was that from 2004 when this neo Malaysian thinking had first emerge till now 9 years later, many have come and awaken to this new revolution. Thus this is what truly happened on the 5th of May; the collision of ideology of the old and the neo Malaysian. The neo Malaysians are fighting for a change and a new life in the ruling government, while those who still honour the old ways are fighting to preserve the old ways, the way it has always been.
I have seen this before this battle of the old versus the new. It happened in France during the revolution in 1789, and again in Japan during the ‘Meiji Restoration’ in 1868 again in Russia in 1917 and it is happening now as we speak in Syria. The only difference was this ‘Malaysian Tsunami’ as they have already branded it has not seen yet a single bloodshed. I tell you now my fellow Malaysians, no matter where our loyalty stands we must ensure ourselves that this change in Malaysia does not get out of hand. We must resist any provocations that would result in physical violence. If you want to continue your right to free speech that is fine by me, but remember to always check where does it end, where the limit lies. For if you do not remember that I could tell you what would happen, but I suggest that you read for yourself what happened in France, Japan Russia in those years, and see for yourself what is happening in Syria.
If anyone tells you that the accomplishment of your victory whatever the goal is could not be achieve without bloodshed, then I suggest you look again at how the fathers of this great nation gained independence for Malaya. It was without bloodshed. I hope for that handful who read this, spread the word to other Malaysians so that we could have our revolution in a peaceful manner. For those who do not know their history are bound to repeat it.

Sunday 5 May 2013

The Disappointment of Defeat
By: Abolqaz Bin Anuar

At 1:00am on the 6th of May 2013, the result of the 13th general election had emerged. The leading government of Barisan Nasional, has won the right to lead the country for the next five years. The loss of the Pakatan Rakyat has left a hole in my heart. A heart broken into millions pieces so small that it may pass through the eyes of a needle. I held my head in defeat and shame for my Malaysia has suffered a huge set back to the hands of their Malaysia. Worst the taunts and the smiles on the faces of the victors made everything harder to endure. We had fallen into a deep dark abyss, a bottomless pit of defeat with no end.

As I browse through the social networks of today, many of the fallen has express their hatred and anger in facebook and twitter. They are calling it a black out, as they too thought that Malaysia has fallen into darkness. Angry words that was exchanged by millions of the Malaysian youth in both twitter and facebook from 5.30pm till 1.00am is now gone, with only the taunts and remorseful words of those who feel at a high and those who had accepted the fate of our great nation.

Many who voted for change and a new government now sit at home wondering what will happen next. Where will we go from here? I too was troubled by those woeful questions till it came to me, and it for this revelation as much as a mortal mind could conjure that has bought me here to write this.

Dear Malaysian and those who seek freedom. Pakatan Rakyat has lost the election. It is true. We now need to sink in this fact in our heads right now, because we will fight again in five years. We are hurt, and beaten down I agree but the measure of our strength would never die if we all of us get rise up again and walk tall. Do not feel sad, for we gave a fight; a fight that hopefully will make them realize that Malaysian are free people. Hopefully they will thread carefully now knowing that we will be watching them like a hawk for the next five years.

Although I may think this but actually freedom will never die. As long as those who believe in it are willing to fight, with all their heart for every inch of it. Corruption will never stay hidden. All deeds especially those of the evil nature will always leave traces, and as free men we will find it if it ever comes.
How do you keep on fighting you might wonder, who it is do we keep on fighting if the battle has lost? Simply by living, we must live our lives each day in freedom. We must fight each day without fear doing justice and good to those who have been wronged. I guarantee you my friends if we do that, then this lost will not hurt us that much. We might have failed to ‘Ubah’ the government but we can still ‘Ubah’ ourselves. Uphold the values of the Pakatan Rakyat and they could not do anything to hurt us. However just know that when I say fight, I do not mean it in a physical sense. Fight spiritually and the truth will remain with us.

Many in the BN camp thinks that this lost has weaken the rakyat, I am here to tell you but it has made my resolve much stronger. By whatever truth that happens during the entire election, BN has won. Fine what is another 5 years compared to 56 years? Freedom is an idea and a progress of nature. They might stop us this time, but we will be back. They might have stolen our voice but we can still shout. They might have tied our hands but we can still move. The clock is ticking for BN and we will count every second to the next five years.

A lost like the one we had suffered tonight, I could only relate it to a bee sting. Being stung by a bee is painful at first, then it gets irritating, you are tempted to scratch it as much as you want, but if you do you will only make it worst. All you have to know that it will go away in time. Just like our suffering tonight will go away in time. They victors will taunt us, they have no class and so they will taunt us, but we must try our best to resist any temptation on anger and remain the better person, besides as I would know that qualities of ‘Our’ Malaysia states that we should not retaliate in anyway.

The only sad thing about it is, that because I voted for Pakatan Rakyat, this letter of comfort will always remain in silence and hidden from the public, except to those very few of us who will see this. To those who feel unjust by what has happened tonight, I swear to you things will get better. As Harvey Dent said before he went all evil, “the night is darkest before the dawn.” Also as a Malay I would like to tell my non-Malay friends that I hear you. Even though I have no idea how many other Malay heard what I heard but be ensure that this Malay does. I will do all I can to get you your rights, and equality even in the midst of a Pro-Malay nation. To me you are just as ‘bumiputera’ as all those who claim to be so. I applaud you for your perseverance.

Signing off, for beauty, freedom truth and love we have not truly lost, and never ever live in fear.