The Road Up Ahead
by: Abolqaz Bin Anuar
I had just spent 2 hours of my time, watching the Malaysian parliament debating on 'youtube', rather than handling the important issues that needed to be resolve in this country of ours, instead most of the videos only showed how the politicians of both sides are using that time to come up with banters against eah other. With the things as such going on in the parliament, no wonder our country is in chaos.
I am now currently drinking coffee in a starbucks in Taman Tun, seated on the balcony as I drink it, I can see just a part of the Malaysian people down below bustling in the Sunday market. We are an extrodinary country Malaysia. The Malaysian people are a people of high tolarence. We are now withstanding the hurricane of economical difficulties that we know is coming in the coming year which will arrive in a couple of days. We have tolareted the increased crime wave that we have seen happened through out the year and we remained exceptionally content to keep calm as the policies of being Malaysian gets harder everyday. I would especially like to tip my hat to the non-Malays who have been as I see it enduring the stint of unfairness that they Malay leaders have imposed on them in a certain degree. That however comes with no surprise to me, because eventhough they are of a different race but they are Malaysians to the core and as I said all Malaysians have high level of tolarence to unjustice that we have been facing these past few months.
However I do believe that this calm is mainly attributed to the lack of understanding of what is going on and what is yet to come. Many Malaysian remained bliss to the fact that the recent crime increase, the low value of salary and wages, the increase in fuel, and basic condiments of food as well as the upcoming GST, and tol price hikes would have already been enough to encourage a revolution, a coup, an uprising and a revolution in other parts of the world yet here in Malaysia we carry on living. Remember the riots in London about a year ago, that was because the British government is giving them less, not because the government are taking from them more, but they rampaged anyway. That is more than a great example that I could think of as I describe the level of difference between Malaysian culture of how we accept being 'screwed' better than any other country in the world because not only is our leaders not giving us anything, but we are making us giving them more. Why shouldn't we compare ourselves with a more civilized nation, we are humans as same as they are.
The point that I am trying to make is that I sit here today fearing of what the reaction would be as we have endured so many obsticle put in front of us for so long that I fear we might fight more viciously when we are finally cornered, when we finally have nothing else to do, what would indeed become of this peaceful nation then? I do see a line of hope, a glimmer of light that might shine bright to help guide through the darkness that lies up ahead and this hope lies within each other. The Malaysian people of all age, gender, race, religion and classes would have to come together and defy the hardship that we are to face. Big problems are coming and we would come together and stop trying to swindle, rob, trick and bamboozle one another for profit than the problems would not seem so big anymore. Come together and face this challenge together, and we might just find out our true capability together as Malaysians. I am not saying we must not fight the oppressors, we must always find a way to not be slaves, but it would be much more effective if we do it together. I believe that recent efforts by some people to separate the Malaysian people by means of racial and religious difference is merely a ruse as they who are in power does not like a unified nation with one goal, because they could not stop us if we are united, it is easier to pick a part a divided people. They always focus on our difference yet, we as people of different race and religion are so much a like and that is an absolute fact.
I would just hope that the Malaysian people would understand this before it is too late, and I also believe that kindness towards each other could go a long way in the happiness of our people. I sincerely hope that 2014 would be gentle on all of us, and I would like to wish good luck to anyone who reads this. I would also like to say to the people that face the hardship to come, you are not alone, we are all in this. Pray for a better future and hope for the best to come.
There would also be a lot of people who would think that I am naive, but to them I say that, I believe in the Malaysian people with all my heary and sometimes when yoy believe in someone with whole sincere, thy would come through. For God sake please stop hating each other, we are all people. Let go of the angers we bear towards each other, and live kindly for the prosparity of each other. Once I remembered in a land far away, a civil war took place between the North and South of the US nation, and when all was done and the dust was settled they looked at each other with much regret, as theu lay down kneeling beside the dead soldires of both sides they cried, they weeped and they said, "I killed my brother with malice in my heart, hatred destroyed my people." I pray the hardest to Allah SWT that those word will not be spoken here in my homeland Malaysia.
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