Wednesday, 17 October 2012

A Fresh New Start

Alas, this is my second attempt at blogging. my first came when I was much younger, and it seemed that my spirit was to wild for blogging. Now that I am much older and more settled in my ways, I would like to give it another shot. So may Allah SWT the Almighty give me the strength and patients to say what i need to, and the endurance to continue. Amin. 

In this blog, I would like to give my point of view, on well, just about anything. I believe in the notion that "no matter what people tell you, ideas and words can change the world." A quote from a character of the (not so hit) movie 'Dead Poets Society' John Keating (played by Robin Williams, one of my all time favorite actors). Though i had no idea what the movie was about then (because I was only 2 when it came out), I certainly have a deep understanding of what it is about now. Therefore, if an idea is talk about repeatedly with the proper words, to more and more audience, then we could change the world. It is only then up to the speaker to change it for the better, or worst.

I end now this 1st post with hope, hope that who ever so may read it, read it with an open heart, and an open mind, and forgive me because my spelling is some what terrible, and with a poem from 'Dead Poet Society' called 'Walden' written by Henry David Thoreau

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately,
To front only the essential facts of life,
And see I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not,
when I came to die,
discovered that I had not lived.


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