Friday, 29 March 2013

Approval Junkies

Greetings. I have not been posting any topic on this blog for a while, and for that I apologize. I have been quite busy, and on top of everything I seemed to have lost my muse in writing. It has been a while but I will try to make this blog consistently compatible with those that I had post before.

Recently I have been troubled by the thoughts of man and women. I was furthermore inspired by an article in today’s Star Newspaper about social media like ‘Instagram’ and ‘Facebook’ make more and more girls conscious about their appearance. I did not have a chance to read this article, but I do understand as much as I could from the headlines.

 Social consciousness is the many reasons why we do the things that we do. In truth, all of our actions is mostly done to please others. The clothes we wear, the way we act and all social activities we mostly partaken so that we feel belong, so that people take it that we are (in the modern slang) cool.
Speaking through experience, I will give you an example of what I mean. I had a friend who was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met. She likes to party. I mean like the whole nine yards. In a club with loud techno music, alcohol and drugs. Now I did not realize it at the time, but I hate going to clubs. For one thing for a boy from Petaling Jaya like me, means that to go to these places, you need to drive all the way to Kuala Lumpur the big city. For a PJ boy (PJ is a short form for Petaling Jaya) it means long ass drive, you need to have some fuel in your car, tol expenses and of course parking. I was 22 to 23 years of age at the time. I did not even have a job yet at the time, it means no income, but I had to spend money in the club, sometimes to get in but mostly on expensive intoxicating drinks. To add the cherry on the top, I do not even like techno music that much. It is loud, full of pointless and annoying lyrics, and when you are in the club, you cannot have a conversation with someone. That is just how I am, I am the kind of person that measures the connection with a person, by the conversations I would have with them. I remember conversations. I can understand someone by talking to them, and this fact made me uncomfortable in a club.

It gets worst, after you had a few drinks, you mind is messed up. You cannot think straight. Nowadays I came to understand that a mind and its ability to make you think is the best gift from God or to me from Allah SWT. That is because throughout history, not many thing was certain, but one the reason why mankind had survived through whatever history has thrown at is mainly because of our ability to think, you can take away anything and everything from a man, but if he could think and think well, he will surely get back on his feet. However alcohol takes away this ability from a man. That is why; failures that turn alcoholic do not get back up on their feet. When you are drunk, it feels alright for a while you felt like the world is perfect and you are the king of the world bent on living forever. How could you have known that it actually makes you look like an idiot and made a fool of yourself when you have lost all ability of what is right and what is wrong.
You wake up the next day, with a massive headache that made you feel worst then you did before you had alcohol, you feel itchy all over your body, as a result of the alcohol and drug reaction, you open your wallet and realised that you had spent a lot of money on booze and drugs. It was fun the night before because all your senses was numb, but unless you are a freaking millionaire and I feel very safe to say that 99% of the people in the club last night was not, you felt bumped because you are now broke. The message of the story that I have written above was that, I did not like to party but I did it, just to get to her. After all that I still did not get the girl.

We are all doing things that we would necessary not want to do, for others. Now the story that I had portrayed was just an example a fraction. You think this will not apply to you, but think back. Why do we buy expensive shoes, admire expensive cars, try to live large? And the answer is so that others will see you as someone that Hollywood and MTV tricked you to see a celebrity. Living large, or living in the fast lane. The media and capitalist company have got you to chase things that you do not need. They show you a car, a beautiful but expensive cars and in those commercial, the guy who drove it has a beautiful girl beside it; and in seeing this they had programed our mind with the fiction that expensive cars will bring you beautiful girls, and this will automatically tell beautiful girls to go out and look for a guy with a great car.
In Islam it is said; that the three vices to a man, are women, wealth and children in that order. The reason why most people are not happy with the love that they get from their partners is because we all expect that all love life should be like the ones in the movies or tv, when in truth it is not. They also programmed us to think that you should date a hot smoking girl, but in truth a girl is only as beautiful as her heart is.  I see it now. I came to know that all those time wasted in chasing a beautiful girl was all a waste, and going out of your way to look as how Calvin Klien or TopShop tells you how to look are a waste of time. Trying to live the life like they sang on songs is a waste of time.

It is all in you. If you just open up and use your mind, it will come to you. All the things that you need are around you. Learn to appreciate yourself, rather that learning to make yourself so that others could appreciate you.

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