Sunday, 4 November 2012

1. The Hijra: The Migration of Our Prophet Muhammad SAW to Madina

It was the year 622 of the western calender, Our prophet Muhammad SAW, had secretly been teaching Islam to the people of Mecca for many years now, but everyday, the 'Quraisy' people of Mecca, is plotting against Rasulullah SAW.

One day, came a few people from a town called 'Yathrib'. They are made of the tribe of 'Aus' and of 'Khazraj'. Both tribes lived there in Yathrib, and they are at war with each other long since they could remember. They have met Rasulullah before. The Rasulullah SAW's teaching had been heard of in Yathrib, and men from both tribe has come to Mecca to seek The Prophet for help. 

The Prophet, then teach them the religion of Islam, and they had embraced it. Rasulullah SAW also told them that Islam, would be the key for peace, between the two tribes. Then, the Yathrib men, invited Rasulullah SAW to migrate with them to Yathrib, and they will gladly accept the Prophet, as their leader.

Our Prophet, agreed, but Rasulullah SAW said, they cannot all go at once, for they would be stopped by the Quraisy, so Rasulullah SAW, asked that the Muslims in Mecca, leave by stages. Many did starting that night, and the coming days.

On the eve, of the day where Rasulullah SAW Himself, is leaving to Yathrib, the Quraisy, is plotting an assassination against, Our Prophet. They send men to surround the Prophet's house, and kills Him in His sleep. So they waited, this might seemed the end of our Prophet, but surely not because Muhammad SAW is a messenger of Allah SWT, the Almighty. A miracle happen, the assassins, whilst waiting for the Prophet to sleep, fell asleep themselves, and Muhammad SAW slipped out unnoticed.

When the assassins woke up, to there surprise, the sun has draw it's daylight. They rushed in the house of Rasulullah SAW, an saw someone was still sleeping on His bed. It was Ali Bin Abi Talib (Prophet Muhammad SAW's cousin), and not Muhammad SAW. News broke out to the Quraisy leaders that Muhammad SAW is on His way to Yathrib. It is very important for them to stop Muhammad SAW from reaching Yathrib, because if He arrives in Yathrib, it would be harder for them to stop Him and the spread of Islam. So the Quraisy leaders put up a bounty, to whoever could, stop Muhammad SAW from reaching Yathrib, and bring Him back to Mecca.

Muhammad SAW, and his, Abu Bakar As Siddiq companion traveled to Yathrib, carefully, covering their tracks so that it would be harder for the Quraisy to find them. They traveled at night and rest by day (That is what Rasulullah SAW always said to the people that he sent out on missions). There are many stories that is known from our Prophet's journey, but the most one that all Muslims might remember is this one.

When Muhammad SAW and Abu Bakar was resting in a cave in the hills of Tsaur, the men that was sent by the Quraisy, came to the hill. When the approached the hill, they are inspecting that hill, to see if Muhammad SAW, is in there. Allah SWT, protects his messenger. He sent a spider, to spin it's web in front of the cave. When the Quraisy men stands infront of the cave, one of them said, "Muhammad couldn't have been here, the web is untouched." So they went of to a different direction. Muhammad SAW and Abu Bakar then made their way saftely to Yathrib, which Rasulullah SAW changed it's name to Madina.

Like I said, there are more stories about this journey, but if you would like to know more you could contact you and I will tell you personally when I have the time. 

The Islamic calender began because of this event. The hijra. So on this month of Safar on year 1 of Islamic calender, the 'hijra' or the great migration happened. What is the significant of this event for Islam. For one thing all the oppression that the Muslims had suffered in the hands of the Quraisy people, no longer occurs. When they were in Mecca at that time, they were being oppressed, and treated badly just for being Muslims. Now they have a place that they could worship Allah SWT the One God without being beaten up or abused.

Second, with mass convertion of the people of Yathrib, Madina was born in which is the first ever Muslim state the world has ever known. A place where Muslims at during the time around 622 AD could call home. However the 'Hijra' does bring to us another lesson. The 'hijra' is not just a matter of moving from one place to another, but also moving from one state of life to a better state of life. Sure all the people who migrated from Mecca to Madina at that time, losses all of their wealth and family and riches, fame and even for some title, but for them being a part of the first nation of Islam is something that is better to them. People like Abu Bakar As Siddiq, Umar al-Khattab and Abdul Rahman Bin Auf, who are all the very riches of men in Mecca left everything behind to be with God, and His Prophet.

The amount of faith that it took to make that move is unmeasurable, but they did it for something that is much better. So it means the lesson teaches us that 'Hijra' is not based on living condition but a 'hijra' is of the soul. You must always strive to be better then before. In soul. Be a better person then before. If you are a bad person, make the 'hijra' to be a good person, and if you are a good person, make the 'hijra' to be an even better person. We must commit the 'Hijra' everyday.

When the people of Madina (and those who was from Mecca who had already arrived) saw the Prophet Muhammad SAW in front of the gates of the city, they celebrated that Rasulullah SAW had arrived in Madina. They began to sang a 'nasheed' that was one of the most beautiful. This nasheed is the longest nasheed ever recorded in the history of Islam.

Just hear this Nasheed, it is lovely

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