Friday, 9 November 2012

The Scene of A Lifetime

Okay, I admit, watching too much movies is not good for you, but I do in fact very much differ from this point of view. The silver screen rarely, influence us about anything that is nice, nor is their true story is actually 100% true. However, they do bring a good message inside with them, and if you look close enough, you will see, and your heart will feel, and your brain will wonder, if such things that they have come to show us, could it be real, or just fiction. I mean for some instance, when facing grave danger, or over coming high obstacle, could humans, blessed with only the human spirit, and the strength of their back, be capable of such feat.

I bring you now my ten favorite scenes from movies. 

10. Men In Black III: The part when J and young K said goodbye in the lift

This is the part when Agent J (from the future), and Agent K (the young one) was riding on the lift heading towards the top of the rocket to plant the 'Arc Net' at the top of the rocket. When they were saying their goodbye to each other, Agent K said, "I can see why I recruited you, you're a good man." Agent J replied, "What the hell happened to you man?" I like this part. Because it showed me that no matter how much we know a person now, it is in their past is what makes him what he is today, and if I would like to know someone, I would have to know their history. You see, it's easy to judge someone by looking at them and say, if someone is crazy, strict or annoying, but it is because of how their lives had been, that makes them to be now. This scene teaches me to never judge someone, by what they are today, for you'd always need to take a deeper look.

9. KL Gengster: The part where Malik refuses to kill Jai

I would like to emphasize that this story is a gengster story in the streets of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of my beloved country. For that very reason I do not approve of this movie and though I do not know the aim of this film makers to the audience, but I persist that the outcome is not of a positive nature. It promotes western style violence among my peaceful people for which is the source of my disapproval. I however do try to find the positive in the bad, and in this case I have found one. At the end battle between the two gangs, Malik is faced of with Jai, in a heated fist fight, but Malik being the better fighter won, Jai however would not give up even though he has lost, for he will only retire in death, but because of their blood ties, Malik refuses to kill Jai. We could say that this movie brings in it violence, but I believe that the blood ties of a family is stronger then any other ties men among men. Even though coming from different groups of enemies, a brother could never kill each other, and that I believe Malik had showed us in this scene. For a bindings of family trumps all bonds 


8. Accepted: Bartleby's speech welcoming students to his fake college

This scene is when B (they refer him as B in the movie), realized that his secret and fake college that had build to lie to his dad is now no longer secret, but still very much fake when a large number of applicant was accepted into it. He gathered everyone in the main hall to announce that this college is nothing more then a fake. However when B realized that all of them were rejects just like himself, he changed his mind, and allow them to stay (even though they still think it is a real college). The speech that he gave was short but it was one of the most inspirational I've ever heard, especially the part when he said, "We say YES to your flaws." This scene is one of my favorite, because I always wondered what made him changed his mind? In the end i knew that when you see a person who suffers as you do, you'd do anything to help them. See human connections are always made strong by the similar of our qualities. It is when we realize that how much we are alike with each other do we feel for one another, and I think that is what B felt, when he accepted them in his 'college'.

7. V for Vendetta: The part when the crowd with masks, walked through the soldier barricade

When V said on live television that he will blow up the parliament building one year from the 5th of November, he asked that all those who feel that there is "something wrong with this country," as he put it to join him to gather at the parliament building (in one years time). The government for which V fought had set up a barricade for which the soldiers were ordered to shoot anyone who approaches. As the night progressed, the number of crowd was overwhelming, and the soldiers did not know what to do. The general has ordered his tropps to stand down, and let the crowd through. As the scenery of the mob moving through the barricade, made me cry every time. This is the true nature of the relationship between government and it's people. For the people must never be afraid of their government, especially the crooked ones (why would you want to bring down a good government). Anyways, what i am trying to say is this, if the people, all of us moves as one, no authority, can stop us.

6. Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End: The part when Will Stabbed the Heart

Jack Sparrow had just got back from the land of the dead (Davvy Jones' Locker), and he has no desire to make a return trip anytime soon. Therefore he had devised a plan that would allow him to live forever. He would stab, the heart of Davvy Jones and replace him as captain of the 'Flying Dutchmen' forever. However when the moment came, Davvy Jones struck a sword through the heart of Will Turner who was only recently married. Out of pure friendship and the will to let Will spend time with his wife, Jack took Will's hand and stabbed the heart with it and Will received the eternal life instead of Captain Sparrow. I find this very heart warming because, Jack Sparrow is indeed a pirate. A pirate is someone or the people who takes what does not belong to them for their own benefit, so if you look at it at that point of view, the action of Jack Sparrow is saintly in the most meaning of it's word. For I wonder how many of us 'normal' civilized people would sacrifice something that they craved the most to help a friend. Jack Sparrow although a pirate, knows the value of a friend, and for someone so heartless to have make such a motion is human being at it's best.

5. Oceans Thirteen: The part where they have three minutes to win $500 mil

The Oceans Thirteen is the last of the Oceans installation so far. This time they are trying to make the casino lose 500 million dollars so that it will make a loss and close down at the end of the quarter. This plot is for revenge towards the casino owner for cheating one of them. In this particular scene, everything has already set up, and with the security down, they have three minutes not to win $ 500,000,000 but to make the casino lose that amount of money. Okay, if you look at it, it's about stealing and vengeance. These two actions does not really top the list of virtues, but I like this scene because it is a result of teamwork and planing. This relates to people working in a team. If you work in a team, to have teamwork is important, sure you have your own set of skills, but that what makes it work, people covering each others flaws with their own ability. The end result is that you would in turn enjoy the result, and even grow to like each other. A human individual, can never be perfect, but if they try hard enough and work together, a team can.

4. The King's Speech: King George's Speech at the End

This is a story is about King George who overcame is stammer during his reign as the King of the United Kingdom. He had to dig deep and hard in himself with the help of a speech expert Lionel Logue. He had then to give a speech to inspire his people during the times of the coming of the Second World War. He did so in his speech. This is fascinating to me because it showed me among all things that even a king may face the problem of a normal man, for he is also a human. Also even though he is just a figure in the authority of power, his word is it is strong, may inspire a whole nation. Not just to sit and drink alcohol and use up the people's tax money (like some countries). Hard work and persistence insyaallah will bring you good result or at least one that would satisfy you.

3. The Campaign: When Cam Brady Resigned from the Election.

This is relatively new movie. It's a comedy about a political campaign in the US. When Cam Brady won the election, because of backing of profiteer, he went up to give his victory speech but instead he got up there and told everyone of the truth. With that he resigned his vote and congratulate the new congressman. This is another heart felt moment. Again I ask how many man of power would ever do such a thing in the name of all that is true and right in this world? Not many I suppose. When you have power it is hard to let go of it, and you would sort to anything just to keep it. I believe that is a leader is wrong, he will do more wrong to just continue his reign. There is much more honor from resigning and letting someone who can do the job take over, then to continue. I wish one day I could see such a man, for even if he had wrong I will cheer for his action.

2. Lord of the Rings, Return of the King: When Aragon and the Human Race Kneel Before the Hobbits

When Sauron and Mordor had fell, the people of Middle-Earth rejoice in victory. Also they came together to celebrate the coronation of Arogon as the King of Gondor. As he walked among all his people and also his friends, they bowed to him to show their alliance to his throne, then he came across the four hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pip). They to bowed to him, but Aragon, who is still in awe of their feat, stopped them and said, "My friends, you bow to no one." then he proceed to kneel to the hobbits and so did everyone who was present. I love this scene for this showed me that the size and looks of a person is not what brings them respect, but his actions do. A man of small stature may also earn respects from a king, for a deed that exceeds his own ability.

1. The Hunger Games: When Katness buried Rue

So this movie is about pitting young people from the outer district that is controlled by the 'Capitol City' against each other, to ensure hope on the districts that they own. This is one of the ways the districts are controlled. However out of all this madness and chaos of killing each other, Katness from district 12 and Rue from 11 had formed a friendship. In a fight, Rue was killed, and Katness was distraught for she is now on her own again. She will not leave Rue's body there like that so she took the time to gave her a burial. This scene tell us of one of the most important thing of all, that even when enemies are forced to be made, you can always find a friend in the most unexpected place ever. In this arena made for killing Katness took the time, to bury her friend for that is the only thing that she can do now, to show her love an appreciation towards Rue. We never know when even if it might kill us, we must always find time to preform kindness.

So that is how it goes, ten of my favorite scenes from a movie and what the message that it gave me. So next time when you watch a movie, don't just watch it for the movies and what the main plot brings, try to find some hidden goodness that is in it, and I tell you that is the true purpose of the cinema, to inspire others.
 With that I bid you Assalamuaalaikum.    


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